School is restricted by certain Government / CBSE regulations and by conditions of age, mental aptitude and ability, and conduct of the candidate.

Applicants for admission will be interviewed, tested and admitted to the particular class if they are found fit according to the vacancies available.

All applications for admission must be made, first, on the prescribed registration form.

The registration form duly filled and signed by the parents supported by relevant documents as desired by the school are as :
(a) Birth certificate issued by the Municipal Comporation or Sarpanch shall be held valid.
(b) Transfer Certificate must be countersigned by the District Education officer or by the competent authority of the state in case of coming from another school, other than CBSE, within the stipulated period. Photo copies of the certificates duly attested by the competent authority should be submitted.

The registration form does not guarantee the admission. So also amount paid for the registration form, at the time of registration or admission is non refundable.
Admissions are strictly done on the merit of the pupils and any effort to influence the authorities of the DOB, offering a donation, directly or indirectly,applicant will automatically disqualify from getting admission. The Principal reserves the right and discretion to admit or not to admit any student without assigning any reason for it and his decision shall be final. If the student is granted admission then an admission form issued by the School has to be duly filled by the parents and submitted with the required documents.

Acharya Vidyasagar Public school

Our vision is to empower students to acquire, demonstrate, articulate & value knowledge and skills that will support them, as lifeā€“long learners, to the global world & practice the core value of the school: honesty, loyalty, compassion, perseverance, integrity & excellence.

Mon - fri 9am to 2pm
Online information
Madhya Pradesh

MANAGER'S OFFICE : 9.00 a.m. to 2.00 pm.
PRINCIPAL'S OFFICE : 9.00 a.m. to 2.00 pm.
Nursery & K.G. : 09.30 am to 01.15 pm Class I-IX : 08.25 am to 02.15 pm Climate changes, exams and Periodic Assessment changes may effect the above given shedules which will be updated in time to time..
Fees Payment Timings : 08.30 am to 02.00 pm