Only one book will be issued at a time during the library period of the particular class. Failing to return the book within seven days will lead to fine. Students are encourage to make use of the library for extra studies. They must remember that they enter the library to grow in wisdom and thus maintain the decorum of this bank of knowledge. Absolute silence must be maintained in the library.Indiscipline in the library will render a student liable to suspension from further use in the library. Never write in a library book or tear anything out of it. Good care of the book must be taken. Reference books, magazines, periodicals newspapers are not to be issued. Books lost, damaged or wrongly handled will have to be paid for or replaced. Books in the reference section may not be taken out of the library. Any damage to school property including ink stains, scribbling on the desk, walls etc. must be remedied at the cost of the offender.

Acharya Vidyasagar Public school

Our vision is to empower students to acquire, demonstrate, articulate & value knowledge and skills that will support them, as lifeā€“long learners, to the global world & practice the core value of the school: honesty, loyalty, compassion, perseverance, integrity & excellence.

Mon - fri 9am to 2pm
Online information
Madhya Pradesh

MANAGER'S OFFICE : 9.00 a.m. to 2.00 pm.
PRINCIPAL'S OFFICE : 9.00 a.m. to 2.00 pm.
Nursery & K.G. : 09.30 am to 01.15 pm Class I-IX : 08.25 am to 02.15 pm Climate changes, exams and Periodic Assessment changes may effect the above given shedules which will be updated in time to time..
Fees Payment Timings : 08.30 am to 02.00 pm